This is a 1938 Salesman's Wholesale Catalog illustrating all the Effanbee dolls that were available for retail stores to purchase that year. AN AMAZING and VALUABLE piece of Effanbee doll history complete with photos, descriptions, prices and for Dy-Dee... detailed layette information.
I found this incredibly rare treasure underneath a cardboard insert at the bottom of a 20" Dy-Dee Lou trunk at least 15 years ago. I reproduced it in very limited quantity and gave them out as 'BONUSES'. I lost track of the catalog in my doll room storage years ago and recently 'found' it once again. I have had the good fortune to reprint it in its entirety on high quality heavy stock paper that is glossy and far better than the ones I had done years ago.
NOTE: I HAVE INTENTIONALLY BLURRED THE PAGE DETAILS to preserve the value for those who purchase a copy, and to discourage copies of this most valued information.
Each page is a treasure unto itself. As an Effanbee researcher, collector and seller, I myself was most excited about the pages outlining all the Dy-Dee dolls available in their line in 1938. You will be delighted with the detaied listing of each Dy-Dee layette set as it was offered. There are at least THREE expressly rare 'secrets' to the Dy-Dee line you will not want to miss.
Although the majority of the catalog is devoted to DY-DEE, as she was undoubtedly their best selling line -- in addition to Dy-Dee, there are pages offering all the other Effanbee dolls -- the marrionettes like Clippo and Charlie McCarthy, the American Children Series, Portrait Dolls, Character Dolls, Grumpy, Anne Shirley, PATSY Family dolls, But'n Nose, Doll House Dolls, and other specialty dolls in their 1938 lineup.
This high quality reproduction copy of the catalog is available for purchase for the first time now... in LIMITED QUANTITY for a LIMITED TIME. Please don't miss out, and be sure to treat yourself to all the photos and information to support your own valued collection of Effanbee dolls.
As always, SHIPPING is FREE and tax included in the purchase price.
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