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1930s Vintage Early and RARE Painted Eye issue Effanbee 10" Patsy BabyKin


This Babykin doll features"

  • Darling 'drawn up baby legs' Babykin version (as opposed to the straight toddler legs)
  • Rare early Painted Eyes (later issue had open/close sleep eyes)
  • Includes her little Easter Bunny display container


This sweet dark blond Babykin is in Mint condition with NO crazing having been fully restored to give her likely decades more of life-- her little  molded curls have no RUBS, and her face is absolutely perfect; her rosy cheeks are unblemished. All painted features are intact. She has adorable side-glancing sleep eyes that add an element of 'caution' and mischeiviousness at the same moment.


Her sweet molded curls, drawn up bent legs, and baby face lend her a younger look than the Patsy Babykin toddler dolls. She is an earliest issue of the other Babykin dolls I had listed earlier this month. Her composition body is smooth and even in color; she is strung firmly to sit up and hold a variety of poses.


Babykin is dressed simply -- she is meant to be perhaps an 'introductory' composition doll for you to ferret out your own favorite outfits to please your imagination and love of making this doll truly your own.


She comes wearing her EASTER BUNNY OUTFIT and looks sweet and adorable at this most historical time. Consists of pajamas and bunny hat that ties firmly under her chubby chin.


This little darling is the hard to find brown painted eye issue... truly another "doll that will steal your heart" from this vintage line of Effanbee Patsy Family dolls.


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1930s Vintage Painted Eye Effanbee 10" Patsy Babykin

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